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Header file array/slice.hpp


namespace jules
    template <std::size_t N>
    class base_slice;
    template <>
    class base_slice<1>;
    using slice = base_slice<1>;

Class template jules::base_slice [Array Types]

template <std::size_t N>
class base_slice
    using extent_type = std::array<index_t, N>;
    class iterator;
    constexpr base_slice(index_t start, extent_type extents, extent_type strides);
    constexpr base_slice(index_t start, extent_type extents);
    constexpr base_slice() = default;
    constexpr base_slice(const base_slice& source) = default;
    constexpr base_slice(base_slice&& source) noexcept = default;
    constexpr base_slice& operator=(const base_slice& source) = default;
    constexpr base_slice& operator=(base_slice&& source) noexcept = default;
    constexpr auto size() const;
    constexpr auto dimensions() const;
    constexpr index_t operator()(const extent_type& indexes) const;
    template <typename ... Args, typename = detail::n_indexes_enabler<N, Args...>>
    constexpr index_t operator()(Args&&... indexes) const;
    constexpr auto operator==(const base_slice& other) const;
    constexpr auto operator!=(const base_slice& other) const;
    constexpr iterator begin() const;
    constexpr iterator end() const;
    constexpr iterator cbegin() const;
    constexpr iterator cend() const;
    constexpr base_slice<N-1> drop_dimension() const;
    index_t start = 0ul;
    extent_type extents = repeat<N, index_t>(0ul);
    extent_type strides = repeat<N, index_t>(1ul);

Array slicing and dimensions representation.

This class is used internally by jules to represent the position of elements of an array in memory.

Notes: base_slice is TriviallyCopyable and TriviallyMovable.


Class jules::base_slice::iterator

class iterator
    using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag;
    using value_type = index_t;
    using difference_type = distance_t;
    using pointer = void*;
    using reference = index_t;
    iterator() = default;
    constexpr iterator(const iterator& source) = default;
    constexpr iterator(iterator&& source) noexcept = default;
    constexpr iterator& operator=(const iterator& source) = default;
    constexpr iterator& operator=(iterator&& source) noexcept = default;
    constexpr iterator& operator++();
    constexpr iterator operator++(int);
    constexpr auto operator==(const iterator& other) const;
    constexpr auto operator!=(const iterator& other) const;
    constexpr reference operator*() const;

InputIterator which gives the memory positions of a slice.

Notes: It depends on the slice that created it, and will be invalidated if have longer lifetime than the slice.

Comparison operator jules::base_slice::iterator::operator==

constexpr auto operator==(const iterator& other) const;

Notes: It does not check if the slices are the same.

Comparison operator jules::base_slice::iterator::operator!=

constexpr auto operator!=(const iterator& other) const;

Notes: It only checks if the slices are the same if JULES_DEBUG_LEVEL >= incompatible_comparison.

Constructor jules::base_slice::base_slice

(1)  constexpr base_slice(index_t start, extent_type extents, extent_type strides);

(2)  constexpr base_slice(index_t start, extent_type extents);

(3)  constexpr base_slice() = default;

Notes: If strides are inferred, extents cannot be zero.


Function jules::base_slice::size

constexpr auto size() const;

Effectively the product of the extents.

Function call operator jules::base_slice::operator()

(1)  constexpr index_t operator()(const extent_type& indexes) const;

(2)  template <typename ... Args, typename = detail::n_indexes_enabler<N, Args...>>
     constexpr index_t operator()(Args&&... indexes) const;

Returns the memory position of the index.


Class template jules::base_slice<1> [Array Types]

template <>
class base_slice<1>
    using extent_type = index_t;
    class iterator;
    static constexpr auto all = index_t{0ul};
    constexpr base_slice(index_t start, index_t extent, index_t stride);
    constexpr base_slice(index_t start, index_t extent);
    constexpr base_slice() = default;
    constexpr base_slice(const base_slice& source) = default;
    constexpr base_slice(base_slice&& source) noexcept = default;
    constexpr base_slice& operator=(const base_slice& source) = default;
    constexpr base_slice& operator=(base_slice&& source) noexcept = default;
    constexpr auto size() const;
    constexpr auto dimensions() const;
    constexpr index_t operator()(index_t index) const;
    constexpr iterator begin() const;
    constexpr iterator end() const;
    constexpr iterator cbegin() const;
    constexpr iterator cend() const;
    index_t start = 0ul;
    index_t extent = all;
    index_t stride = 1ul;

1D-Array specialization for slicing and dimensions representation.

This specialization is useful for slicing multidimensional arrays.

TODO: See the alias jules::slice for usage more information.

Notes: base_slice is TriviallyCopyable and TriviallyMovable.


Class jules::base_slice<1>::iterator

class iterator
    using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag;
    using value_type = index_t;
    using difference_type = distance_t;
    using pointer = void*;
    using reference = index_t;
    iterator() = default;
    constexpr iterator(const iterator& source) = default;
    constexpr iterator(iterator&& source) noexcept = default;
    constexpr iterator& operator=(const iterator& source) = default;
    constexpr iterator& operator=(iterator&& source) noexcept = default;
    constexpr iterator& operator++();
    constexpr iterator operator++(int);
    constexpr auto operator==(const iterator& other) const;
    constexpr auto operator!=(const iterator& other) const;
    constexpr reference operator*() const;

TODO: No documentation, consult jules::base_slice<N>::iterator.

Notes: For this specialization, the iterator does not depend on the parent slice.

Variable jules::base_slice<1>::all

static constexpr auto all = index_t{0ul};

Unsigned integer that represents all possibles extents when applied to an array.

Constructor jules::base_slice<1>::base_slice

(1)  constexpr base_slice(index_t start, index_t extent, index_t stride);

(2)  constexpr base_slice(index_t start, index_t extent);

(3)  constexpr base_slice() = default;


Function jules::base_slice<1>::size

constexpr auto size() const;

Effectively the product of the extents.

Function call operator jules::base_slice<1>::operator()

(1)  constexpr index_t operator()(index_t index) const;

Returns the memory position of the index.