namespace cool
class closed_channel;
class empty_closed_channel;
template <typename T>
class channel;
template <typename T>
class ichannel;
template <typename T>
class ochannel;
constexpr /*unspecified*/ const eod;
[Channel]class closed_channel
: public std::invalid_argument
Closed channel exception.
Notes: Uses the same constructors as std::invalid_argument
Defines a type of object to be thrown as exception. It reports errors that arise when one tries to send data into a closed channel.
[Channel]class empty_closed_channel
: public std::invalid_argument
Empty closed channel exception.
Notes: Uses the same constructors as std::invalid_argument
Defines a type of object to be thrown as exception. It reports errors that arise when one tries to receive data from a closed channel that has no available data.
[Channel]template <typename T>
class channel
//=== Constructors ===//
channel(std::size_t buffer_size);
//=== Send data into the channel ===//
void send(T const& value);
void send(T&& value);
ochannel<T> operator<<(T const& value);
ochannel<T> operator<<(T&& value);
//=== Receive data from the channel ===//
T receive();
template <typename Rep, typename Period, typename F>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<void, std::invoke_result_t<F, T>>::value, std::cv_status>::type wait_for(std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period> const& rel_time, F f);
template <typename Rep, typename Period, typename F>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<void, std::invoke_result_t<F, T>>::value, std::cv_status>::type wait_until(std::chrono::time_point<Rep, Period> const& time, F f);
ichannel<T> operator>>(T& value) noexcept;
void close() noexcept;
bool is_closed() const noexcept;
void buffer_size(std::size_t size) noexcept;
std::size_t buffer_size() const noexcept;
explicit operator bool() const noexcept;
Channels are pipes that can receive and send data among different threads.
Notes: After constructed, following copies refer to the same channel.
(1) channel();
(2) channel(std::size_t buffer_size);
Constructs a new channel
(1) with a buffer of virtually infinity size.
(2) with a buffer of size buffer_size
(1) void send(T const& value);
(2) void send(T&& value);
(3) ochannel<T> operator<<(T const& value);
(4) ochannel<T> operator<<(T&& value);
Sends data into the channel.
Notes: Caller is blocked if the buffer is full.
Notes: send
throws cool::closed_channel
if channel is closed.
Notes: operator<<
sets the channel in a bad state if it is closed.
Notes: operator<<
returns a send-only channel that refers to the same channel.
(1) T receive();
(2) template <typename Rep, typename Period, typename F>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<void, std::invoke_result_t<F, T>>::value, std::cv_status>::type wait_for(std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period> const& rel_time, F f);
(3) template <typename Rep, typename Period, typename F>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<void, std::invoke_result_t<F, T>>::value, std::cv_status>::type wait_until(std::chrono::time_point<Rep, Period> const& time, F f);
(4) ichannel<T> operator>>(T& value) noexcept;
Receives data from the channel.
Notes: Caller is blocked if no data is available.
Notes: receive
throws cool::empty_closed_channel
if a closed channel is empty.
Notes: operator>>
sets the channel in a bad state if it is closed and empty.
Notes: operator>>
returns a receive-only channel that refers to the same channel.
void close() noexcept;
Closes a channel.
Notes: If the channel is already closed, nothing happens.
bool is_closed() const noexcept;
Queries whether a channel is closed or not.
void buffer_size(std::size_t size) noexcept;
Sets the size of the internal buffer.
Notes: If the channel has more elements buffered, the elements are kept until received.
Notes: If the buffer had been full and this function is called with size
greater than the previous size, blocked calls of send
are signaled.
std::size_t buffer_size() const noexcept;
Returns the size of the internal buffer.
cool::channel::operator bool
explicit operator bool() const noexcept;
Checks if the channel is in a bad state, i.e., whether the last <<
or >>
operation was successful.
Notes: This property propagates to copies of the channel.
Notes: Before any stream operation, returns true.
[Channel]template <typename T>
class ichannel
using channel<T>::is_closed;
using channel<T>::buffer_size;
using channel<T>::operatorbool;
using channel<T>::operator==;
using channel<T>::operator!=;
using channel<T>::receive;
using channel<T>::operator>>;
Input channel that can be constructed from a channel.
Notes: After constructed, following copies refer to the same channel.
It refers to the same channel it is contructed from, but restrict the channel operations to receive-only.
[Channel]template <typename T>
class ochannel
using channel<T>::close;
using channel<T>::is_closed;
using channel<T>::buffer_size;
using channel<T>::operatorbool;
using channel<T>::operator==;
using channel<T>::operator!=;
using channel<T>::send;
using channel<T>::operator<<;
Output channel that can be constructed from a channel.
Notes: After constructed, following copies refer to the same channel.
It refers to the same channel it is contructed from, but restrict the channel operations to send-only.
constexpr /*unspecified*/ const eod;
End-of-data literal.
One can send eod
through a channel to close it.